Make the switch to renewable energy today and get the power you need to manage your home and run your business. Malaysia Solar Power offers an impressive range of solar panel units in Malaysia for residential and commercial use. Save on utilities and improve your way of living with the right solar system in Malaysia.
Whether you’re already reaping the benefits of solar systems or planning to install an industrial or business system, you need to be aware of the factors affecting the production of your solar system.
Depending on your setup, even a little obstruction can bring down your entire solar system. Such a statement speaks for itself about how important shade is for your system’s production. That said most systems are mounted on rooftops to avoid shading from trees or buildings, while ground-mounted systems work well if there’s ample unobstructed space. Professional consultants are sure to perform a comprehensive analysis of shading in your particular situation.
For best performance, the solar panels should be positioned so they receive the maximum sunlight. You can choose to alter the pitch of your roof with racks so the sun stays longer on your solar panels.
Weather and Climate
Without a doubt, a dry climate with consistent weather is more likely to yield greater solar energy production as opposed to a wetter climate that is loaded with cloudy or overcast days.
In addition, a corresponding aspect is that the solar system produces more energy in summers than in winters. At the same time, an interesting point to consider is that such a system doesn’t work best in too much heat and produces around 20% less.
Regardless of the weather patterns, your solar designer can employ different techniques to maximize your system’s performance.
Local Environmental Conditions
If you live in a place dumped with industrial pollutants, heavy smog, or airborne particulates, your system’s production can be compromised. In such a scenario, you would need to remove the dust and films accumulated on the solar panels for maximum sun exposure for producing energy.
Tilting Panels
A common question people ask their solar consultants is whether to go ahead with tilting panels or not. In 95% of the cases, tilting only enhances production by 5%. So, it’s not worth the extra hassle and cost.
Remember, with solar, there isn’t a one-size fits all solution. There’s always a customized option based on the above factors.