Feed In Tariff

Make the switch to renewable energy today and get the power you need to manage your home and run your business. Malaysia Solar Power offers an impressive range of solar panel units in Malaysia for residential and commercial use. Save on utilities and improve your way of living with the right solar system in Malaysia.

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Do you know that utility companies pay you monthly if you install a unit of solar system?

In plain words, Feed-in-Tarrif (FIT) is a payment you receive from the government when your household or business generates its own electricity by using renewable energy sources.

The program is designed to encourage you to increase your investment in such energy sources and obtain Clean Energy Cashback.
In early 2004, FIT got introduced in Malaysia to kick-start the movement of energy independence.
Malaysia’s Feed-in Tariff systems provide long-term contracts to promote the production of clean energy. Under this system, a renewable energy producer can be a:

  • Homeowner
  • Business owner
  • Farmer
  • Private Investor

Regardless of your status as the energy producer, you get compensated for the energy your system generates or the technology you produce.
The interesting thing to note is that the FIT tariff you receive is twice the rate you’re paying to TNB now. However, the FIT quota is limited and you must contact TNB Malaysia at the earliest to generate passive income from sunlight.

How FIT Works?

Not only it enables you to save by lowering your electricity bill, but it also makes you profit. When you invest in the program you take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Generation Tariff Payment – whether you produce the energy or feed it into the grid, you get paid on a monthly basis on the kWh generated from your FIT system
  • Export Tariff Payment – you get paid for the electricity you’ve generated
  • Other Incentives

When you decide to take advantage of the FIT program, get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.

Ready to make the change today?

Make the call the today and schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with our solar technology experts. Call us onPhone# or complete our GET A QUOTE form to request for an obligation-free estimate.
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